音乐巴士唐人街探案网剧 彭玮瀚唐人街探案网剧英文插曲歌词


Darkness and Light(光与暗) - 彭玮瀚
Fire in the night
The shouting of my mind
The cold blood from the heart
Darkness and light
Hope will never be gone
The beauty of the beast
The forces in my heart
Darkness and light
I'll be gone
What side
I don't pick sides
It don't even care what's wrong or right
Keep that in mind
Nobody knows
Unzip your eyes
Darkness and light
Right or wrong
It's time to change your mind
To realize
Stop criticize
Troubling my heart
Rainbows fly
Never try
Killing pain like before
Bring the sorrows with the ice cold water
I won't be ignored
I see my eyes in your eyes
With the purest soul
Bring the sorrows with the ice cold water
I won't be ignored
Fire in the night
The shouting of my mind
The cold blood from the heart
Darkness and light
Hope will never be gone
The beauty of the beast
The forces in my heart
Darkness and light
I'll be gone
What side
I don't pick sides
It don't even care what's wrong or right
Keep that in mind
Nobody knows
Unzip your eyes
Darkness and light
Right or wrong
It's time to change your mind
To realize
Stop criticize
Troubling my heart
Rainbows fly
Never try
Killing pain like before
Bring the sorrows with the ice cold water
I won't be ignored
I see my eyes in your eyes
With the purest soul
Bring the sorrows with the ice cold water
I won't be ignored
Rainbows fly
Never try
Killing pain like before
Bring the sorrows with the ice cold water
I won't be ignored
I see my eyes in your eyes
With the purest soul
Bring the sorrows with the ice cold water
I won't be ignored be ignored


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