音乐巴士The Jessica Stuart FewOne Day歌词
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One Day歌词

One Day – Jessica Stuart
Wake up, you sleepyhead
The whole world’s outside your bedroom
Don’t waste another hour or two or three
Cause one day might just come too soon
Even if it’s stormy out
You must just catch a rainbow
Or maybe you’ll just get soaking wet
But don’t worry, clothes were made to dry anyhow
I hear young people put things off
“One day, I’ll be old and my body broke”
But one day might just come too soon
Many of us live
Many of us live without living
Many of us will go long before our time
Dwelling on the small things
Dwelling for the sake of dwelling
Dwelling cause there’s messes made of our minds
Live a life that’s full of meaning
Always feeling, never living with it, living with remorse
Please forget about your ‘one day’.
One day, one day, one day
I realize that life will be hard
And you feel you’re full of pain
But please forget about your ‘one day’
One day, one day, one day, one day might come too soon.

One DayLRC歌词

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